Worldwide Sangha Support
Do you ever feel isolated in your awakening? Would you like to be able to talk about awakening with others more? Come and be a part of our loving community and meet like minded friends studying Helen's teachings! Our Worldwide Sanghas are run over Zoom and are free and open to everyone working with these teachings. The Sangha meet ups are run by students of Helen's and help you to connect with others and share the challenging and the rewarding times of our awakening.
You can join these Sanghas from anywhere in the world and you do not need to put your camera on or speak if you do not wish to. You are very welcome to just join and listen. The Sangha meet ups are here to give vital support and everyone benefits greatly from connecting and sharing with each other. Simply click the link below and join in when you are ready
Helen does not attend any of the Sanghas.
What is Sangha? Sangha is a Sanskrit word meaning 'community '.
It is beneficial for those of us who are on the same journey to come together outside of Satsang as fellow beings and support one another. Enlightenment is the most important human endeavour of all and we can all support each other. The Sangha's are run by students of Helen's teachings and are run by the Sangha for the Sangha.
It is beneficial for those of us who are on the same journey to come together outside of Satsang as fellow beings and support one another. Enlightenment is the most important human endeavour of all and we can all support each other. The Sangha's are run by students of Helen's teachings and are run by the Sangha for the Sangha.
To see a schedule of all the Sanghas that are held, please use the adjacent button. Use the Time Zone converter button on the Sangha Events Calendar page to doublecheck the time when these Sangha's start in your own time zone.
Please use this Zoom link to join our worldwide sanghas. The passcode is Sangha
Please use this link to find your local number to join via telephone using the passcode 700022
Please use this link to find your local number to join via telephone using the passcode 700022
If you have any problems with getting online for any of the Sanghas please email [email protected].
Worldwide Sanghas are held on the following days and times
- Every Sunday 8am AWST/Saturday 12am UK hosted by Savitur.
- Every Wednesday 7 pm AEDT/8 am UK hosted by Helen B.
- 2nd Thursday of each month at 11am UK (Self Inquiry) hosted by Anish.
- 4th Thursday of each month at 11am UK (Meditation) hosted by Anish.