Helen's Books
Helen's Ebook's are free to download from this website page.
Helen's books are now available on Amazon to purchase, details below. These are also available via Balboa Press. Helen's Author page on Amazon can be accessed as well via button below.
Please see this document with Helen's suggested reading order of her books
Seeing with the Sages eyes
The Progression of Awakening
How to always hear the Silence
Some things you may have Forgotten
Transcending limiting beliefs using Contemplation
Books available from Amazon
Dissolving the Ego
This book is a rich introduction to Helen's teachings and is best read first if possible. It gives detailed explanations of how to recognise our real Self through a series of 14 pathways or doorways.
Recognising our true nature as the infinite being is not hard to do once we know how to look. We have only ever been taught how to perceive with our mind and senses. This book will show us how to perceive that which is beyond the senses and mind. Click Here to purchase Kindle Version via Amazon.
Click Here to purchase Paperback version via Amazon.
Transcending the Mind - Some Disassembly Required: How to take apart your noisy mind
This book can be read alongside Dissolving The Ego or after it to help you gently dissolve karmic patterns in a step-by-step process. Never before have these karmic patterns been laid out in a systematic way as in this book. Once we know that there are stages to each pattern we can undo them much more easily and transcend them once and for all.
Click Here to purchase Kindle Version via Amazon.
Click Here to purchase Paperback version via Amazon.
How to fall in love with yourself
What is conditional and unconditional love really ? How do we go from judging and blaming ourselves and others into an unconditional acceptance of whatever is ? How can we fall deeply and richly in love with ourselves and everything ?
This book takes a deep and revealing look at what unconditional love is and how easy it can be to move into this way of being. Once we admit that we may not know what love really is, we can begin to open up to what we really are which IS love. Click Here to purchase Kindle version via Amazon
The Hamilton Gita - Musings from the One
This book will take you into the deepest place of your being and is a collection of lovingly written pieces of writing from the one being. When the Oneness of our being is seen then we will feel joy and we will see beauty everywhere.
Allow this book to take you where duality, difference and diversity do not exist. This book can be read at any time along your pathway. Click Here to purchase Kindle version via Amazon.
Click Here to purchase Paperback version via Amazon.
Now That You Are Formless
What do we do once we have seen that we are formless ? How do we work with this seeing and allow it to deepen into a full realisation of our essential nature ? What did those great beings do to bring their enlightenment into full manifestation ?
This book explores various contemplation points aimed at deepening your seeing into an experiential realisation. Each chapter takes you deeper into what it really means to be formless. Ideally this book will be read after dissolving the ego and transcending the mind, but it can be read at any time along your pathway. Click Here to purchase Kindle Version via Amazon.
Click Here to purchase Paperback version via Amazon.
Reality Check - A Simple Guide to Final Enlightenment
This book is aimed at those who have had a seeing of their real nature and wish to dissolve the final duality of real and unreal, manifest or unmanifest, Self or ego.
This book will help you overcome this seeming final hurdle and live as the Sages live. This book should be read after Dissolving the Ego has been assimilated ideally but can be read at any time. Click Here to purchase Kindle version via Amazon.
Click Here to purchase Paperback version via Amazon.
The Story of I
How did the infinite self become so lost in illusion and duality? How did the one being that is everything come to imagine itself to be only somewhere and someone?
This book describes that story of imagination that descends upon the infinite being and gives contemplation points to begin to undo what has been imagined to be true. Click Here to purchase Kindle version via Amazon.
Click Here to purchase Paperback version via Amazon.
Top Ten Myths about Enlightenment. And How to Avoid Getting Trapped by Them
What are the misconceptions we hold about awakening ? What myths and legends do we still believe in about realised beings that are holding us back right now ?
Once we know these legends are not true we can move beyond them and stop wasting time trying to fulfil these impossible tasks. This book can be read at any time along the pathway. Click Here to purchase Kindle version via Amazon.
Click Here to purchase Paperback version via Amazon.
The Empowerment Courses Handbook
This book encompasses three separate courses of the Forgiveness Course, The Desire, Manifestation and Abundance Course and Transcending The Vasanas Course. Each course deals with areas of our lives that we may struggle with as awakening unfolds.
We will learn how to deal with desire, how to forgive ourselves and others how to break down karmic patterns into smaller pieces and undo them. This book can be read at any time along your awakening pathway Click Here to purchase Kindle Version via Amazon.
Click Here to purchase Paperback version via Amazon