Interviews With Helen
Please see below details and links to Helen's interviews.
In addition to the individual interviews below, In The Company of Truth with Helen Hamilton is a regular program as part of Awakening Together.
Click Here for further details and how to join. |
Walter Driscoll - Walter Driscoll #nonduality
In January 2023, Helen was interviewed by Walter Driscoll as part of his series of YouTube interviews on his channel titled Walter Driscoll #nonduality. Please click here to listen to the interview.
David Richards - A Conscious Way Forward
In August 2021, Helen was interviewed by David Richards as part of his podcasts titled A Conscious Way Forward.
The Field Will Set You Free with Helen Hamilton is now available, please click here to access this podcast.
The Field Will Set You Free with Helen Hamilton is now available, please click here to access this podcast.
Further to this interview with David, Helen was interviewed again in an episode entitled The Inner Peace That Lives Beyond Resistance in August 2022. Please click here to access this podcast.
Conscious TV
In December 2020, Helen was interviewed by Iain McNay from Conscious TV. Conscious TV are a UK based TV channel broadcasting on the Internet and on various Satellite channels in the UK. Their quest is to stimulate debate, question, enquire, inform, enlighten, encourage and inspire people in the areas of Consciousness, Science, Non-Duality and Spirituality. They were launched in Spring 2008 and since then have made over 400 programmes.
The full interview is now available to watch on YouTube. Click Here to access the interview.
You can also read a transcript of the interview which has been uploaded to the Conscious TV website. Click Here to access.
The full interview is now available to watch on YouTube. Click Here to access the interview.
You can also read a transcript of the interview which has been uploaded to the Conscious TV website. Click Here to access.
Buddha At The Gas Pump
On the 29th August 2020, Helen was interviewed by Rick Archer from the popular Buddha at the Gas Pump. Buddha at the Gas Pump (BatGap non-profit) is administered by Rick and Irene Archer. Rick prepares and conducts the interviews while Irene selects the guests to be interviewed. The full interview is now available to watch on YouTube. Click Here to access the interview.
Awakening Together
Awakening Together have created a Playlist on YouTube of Helens "In the Company of Truth with Helen Hamilton" Satsangs.
Click Here to access this Playlist.
Click Here to access this Playlist.
Please see below an Awakening Together Satsang, and a short guided mediation that took place after the Satsang.