Helen offers free, live Satsang every week alternating between Thurs morning 12pm (UK) and Thurs evening 7pm (UK)
Everyone is welcome.
We will be holding the satsang with live Spanish translation on Thursday 27th March at 7pm UK time.
Click Here to see the calendar
Zoom link password satsang
Everyone is welcome.
We will be holding the satsang with live Spanish translation on Thursday 27th March at 7pm UK time.
Click Here to see the calendar
Zoom link password satsang
Please note that by joining Satsang live you are agreeing to all the conditions detailed on the Important Information page.
Satsang is a formal spiritual gathering with an Awakened Teacher where we discuss Awakening and Self realisation. Satsang is for those who wish to have a direct experience of Truth. The word "Satsang" comes from Sanskrit where "Sat" means Truth or God and "Sang" from "Sangha" means gathering. During Satsang, Helen will give a talk lasting about 30 minutes and the remaining time is for questions and answers.
If you would like to ask a question but don't want to ask it personally over Zoom, please use the Contact form below. It will be read out anonymously by Helen on a monthly recording that will be uploaded to YouTube. We cannot guarantee when the question will be read out.
If you would like to ask a question but don't want to ask it personally over Zoom, please use the Contact form below. It will be read out anonymously by Helen on a monthly recording that will be uploaded to YouTube. We cannot guarantee when the question will be read out.
Question for Satsang. (Please submit only one concise question).
Please note, Helen is unable to respond personally to emails. |
Below are testimonial's written by students who have attended Helen's Satsangs
"Helen simply is the most profound,practical,clear and dedicated spiritual teacher of our times. Just her loving presence takes you straight to the core of who you are. With her simple,fun and inspiring teachings and practices I got answers to everything that puzzled me. I found all my hidden beliefs and blind spots and could see trough them and all the burden and suffering just started to vanish and magic started to happen. Now it is chrystal clear who I really am and it's finally time to fall in love with me completely."
- Leena Viinikka, Finland
- Leena Viinikka, Finland
"I've been on the spiritual path for several years, listened to hundreds of hours of videos from dozens of teachers, but I had never been inclined to exclusively commit to an awakened being's teachings until I found Helen. She provides specific, spot-on methods for accessing Awareness and abiding in it that makes it very easy. She also talks from her own experience about avoiding specific pitfalls. Her teaching is simple, clear, and precise, but yet she is not clinical or intellectual. Her approach is gentle and caring while being detailed and methodical. Just listen to one of her Satsangs and you will see that she is the real deal.
Every utterance and sentence rings with Truth that emanates from her being. And it is clear that she loves working with those who are committed to awakening. I am very grateful to have found Helen, and feel blessed to have the opportunity to learn from her."
- Mike DeForbes
Every utterance and sentence rings with Truth that emanates from her being. And it is clear that she loves working with those who are committed to awakening. I am very grateful to have found Helen, and feel blessed to have the opportunity to learn from her."
- Mike DeForbes